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At Perimeter Plastic Surgery, we offer the latest in skincare advancements like Obagi Medical products, skinBeautica products, and bioCorneum silicone scar gel treatments. And more importantly, we get to know your skin and your needs so we are able to recommend the products that are ideal for you!

Obagi Medical Skincare

obagi skincare

Founded by leading skin care experts more than 25 years ago, Obagi medical products are designed to minimize the appearance of premature aging and skin damage and treat hyperpigmentation, acne, and sun-damaged skin. Available only from medical professionals, Obagi products are suitable for all ages and skin types. These prescription-strength formulas actually transform the skin’s cellular functions to help it look and feel younger and healthier.

Obagi medical products are the perfect choice if your skin is suffering from sun damage, as they not only work to reverse existing signs of damage but also protect your skin and prevent future damage.

We offer a range of Obagi products and systems in both of our office locations. You do not need to schedule an appointment to purchase Obagi products but please call ahead if you want to speak to a professional at Perimeter Plastic Surgery about the products or have questions about a particular item.

Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum

Peptide 9 Bottle

We’re excited to offer Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum™ from skinBeautica, their latest serum for restoring youth to your skin. With each application, the serum stimulates the production of more collagen naturally. You’ll experience significant wrinkle improvements in just one month!

What Are Peptides?

Peptides are tiny fragments created when the collagen in your skin breaks down. Your body recognizes peptides as a signal to produce more collagen. Unfortunately, by age 40, this process slows down by over 50%.

How Does Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum™Work?

Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum™ contains nine different bio-identical peptides, and the peptides signal your skin to produce collagen. The multiple active peptides in this serum, including Matrixyl™300 and MelanostatineⓇ5, will rebuild collagen in addition to clinically proven results like wrinkle reduction, damaged skin repair, and melanin production to even skin tone.

What kind of results should I expect from Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum?

  • 350% improvement in wrinkles over 84 days
  • 63% maximum wrinkle reduction in 28 days
  • 47% maximum reduction in wrinkle depth

Laboratory results based on individual peptide tests

How Can I Purchase Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum?

The makers of Peptide-9 Remodeling Serum, skinBeautica™, distribute only to medical skincare professionals, like Perimeter Plastic Surgery. We have the product available for purchase at our office!

bio corneum products

bioCorneum® is a patented, proven silicone technology for minimizing the appearance of scars. This product hydrates the scarred area and creates an environment that allows the scar to mature through normal collagen synthesis cycles and improves the appearance of the scar. The patented silicone formulation in bioCorneum® has been shown to flatten, soften, and smooth scars, reduce discoloration and relieve itching, pain, and discomfort associated with scars.

Our chosen product to address scarring is bioCorneum+ (bC+). It is a self-adhering, self-drying silicone cream that also contains a mild broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen. Using bC+ will provide the best environment for scars to heal and help speed up the healing process. We recommend our patients use this product after their sutures are removed and their wounds are closed.

At suture removal, start applying bC+ to your scar very sparingly, twice a day, for 12 weeks or until you stop seeing results. If you have a tendency to form hypertrophic or keloid scars, you may want to use it for 6 months to a year. One “pea-sized” drop is enough to cover a three-inch scar. Massage bC+ into your scar to help break up the scar tissue. bC+ should dry right away and within a few minutes will form a slick surface over your scar. bC+ will gradually wear off throughout the day, which is why we have you reapply it at night to make sure you are getting a solid 24 hour per day exposure to the silicone. For more information about bC+, check out BioCorneum.

If you would like to learn more about any of the skincare lines we carry, please contact our office. We can help you decide which products will help you achieve the results you desire. If you refer a friend to our office, you will receive 10 percent off any skincare purchase.

refer a friend get 10% off skin care

Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer
What do warmer weather, sunshine, and spending time outdoors have in common? Skin cancer! Directly related to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer than all other types of cancer combined. One in five Americans will develop this disease over the course of a lifetime. Still, there is good news: most skin cancer is preventable. Here are some of the best ways to stay safe:
Use sunscreen

Apply sunscreen to exposed skin 15 minutes before going outdoors, and reapply every two hours. We know you’ve heard this before, but that’s because it’s the easiest and most effective way to ward off harmful UV rays. While lighter skin tones are more susceptible, individuals with darker skin can still get cancer and still need sunscreen.

It’s important to use a full-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher for protection from ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. UVB rays are those responsible for sunburns and damage to the superficial top layers of your skin. UVA rays account for 95 percent of all the ultraviolet rays that come to the earth’s surface and are far more damaging to the skin. They can penetrate clouds and glass, and play a major role in skin aging and wrinkling. UVA is the dominant tanning ray and is known to cause lasting damage; these rays increase the rate of melanoma and can even initiate the development of cancer.

Since these rays are so prevalent and powerful, it’s important to wear sunscreen even on cloudy days and even if you think you’re not spending much time outside. Remember to put sunscreen on your hands! The skin is typically thinner on your hands, so it’s often the first to show signs of aging and wrinkling. Your hands also spend a lot of time in the sun while you’re driving and are exposed to those UVA rays that can penetrate the windshield glass.

Cover up and seek the shade
Whether you’re out for a walk, planting in the garden, or soaking up the sunshine at the beach, cover up your exposed skin, especially during peak sunshine hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wear a broad-rimmed hat, sunglasses to protect your eyes, and a long-sleeved shirt and pants — even if you’re also using sunscreen. Remember, more is better when guarding your skin against damage.
Give yourself a full-body skin exam
It’s important to assess and examine your skin once or twice a year. Use a handheld and full-length mirror and enlist the help of a loved one for hard-to-see places like your back and scalp. Examine all parts of your skin including your scalp, under your arms, underneath fingers and toenails, palms, soles of your feet, heels, and genitals. If you notice new or dark spots or moles on your skin, or spots that are irregularly shaped, contact your physician or dermatologist for a professional exam.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Protecting it is simple and easy, and has the added aesthetic benefit of slowing the signs of aging. For more information about how you can protect your skin and prevent skin cancer, visit