All of Dr. Deutsch’s patients have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Read about the breast implants/augmentation procedure for more information.

Patient 1: 55 y/o female lost over 100 lbs. and was interested in a flatter and tighter abdomen. She was 5’6″, 169 lbs and the most she weighed was 278 lbs. She underwent an abdominoplasty with tightening her muscles and liposuction of her flanks. Post-op pictures were taken 2 months after surgery.

Patient 2: A 50-year old female had a gastric sleeve performed and lost a significant amount of weight. She was bothered by the appearance of her arms, breasts, abdomen, and thighs after her weight loss. Once she was at her goal weight she underwent arm lifts, breast lifts, abdominoplasty, and inner thigh lifts done in one operation. She tolerated this well and was pleased with her outcome. Pictures are shown at 3 months following her operation

Patient 3: 45 y/o female underwent a gastric sleeve procedure and lost over 100 lbs. She was bothered by the excess skin in her arms, breasts, abdomen, back, outer and inner thighs. She had breast lifts with implants, abdominoplasty, arm lift, excision of her excess back skin, and inner and outer thigh lifts with liposuction over staged procedures. 

Patient 4: 34 y/o female had a gastric sleeve performed and lost 120 lbs. She achieved her goal weight of 130 lbs.  She then underwent bilateral breast lifts, body lift and inner thigh lifts. Pictures were taken 6 months post-op