Should You Lose Weight Before a Tummy Tuck?
October 7, 2020
Are you considering a tummy tuck? This common procedure has become a very frequent process for women who have recently become mothers or for people who have lost a significant amount of weight. Both of these scenarios result in loose skin across the abdomen. When this skin wrinkles or begins to sag, the tummy tuck helps return your body to the shape you want.
Perimeter Plastic Surgery is the leading surgical center for patients seeking a tummy tuck in Atlanta. Our surgeons and staff can help with an evaluation and guide you through the process, answering any and all questions along the way.
Is it important to lose weight before a tummy tuck procedure?
This question may be the most common one we receive related to tummy tucks. As with most medical questions, there is no “one size fits all” answer. Because each patient’s physical condition and body shape are unique, what might be the right answer for one patient might not be suitable for another. Accordingly, it is important for every patient to consult a trustworthy surgeon and develop an individual plan for the best results.
When you meet with your provider, there is one general guideline to evaluate related to your need for any weight loss before the procedure. The answer to your question will likely depend on your desired weight range after the surgery. You will want to determine your ideal weight range and lifestyle. This is the weight at which you feel comfortable and also does not require excessive dieting or aggressive exercise regimens. Essentially, when you are practicing healthy habits of balanced nutrition and regular exercise, this is the weight you can comfortably maintain.
If your current weight exceeds this ideal weight range by more than 15 pounds, it might be advisable to lose this weight before your tummy tuck procedure. Of course, you should consult with your surgeon before committing to any specific plan. A knowledgeable surgeon will guide you through the evaluation and advise you on the best course of action to achieve the results you want. Working with your tummy tuck provider, you can determine a proper BMI for your post-procedure and prepare for the highest level of success.
Proper weight before and after a tummy tuck procedure is beneficial in the long run.
Identifying your ideal weight accurately will help ensure long-term success. With proper planning and healthy expectations for your ongoing weight post-procedure, you will have a higher chance of immediate satisfaction and avoid the need for another tummy tuck in the future.
Conversely, you will not want to gain or lose significant weight after your procedure. Either of these changes will affect the outcome of the surgery negatively. In both circumstances, you will stretch your abdominal tissues and risk the need for another procedure to correct the excess skin again. Avoid this unnecessary repetition with properly set expectations through a consultation with your surgeon.
Perimeter Plastic Surgery is Your Best Partner
With many successful tummy tuck procedures completed, Perimeter Plastic Surgery provides step-by-step planning and recovery to achieve the outcome you most desire. We have helped countless men and women return their figures to a healthy appearance and a more enjoyable lifestyle.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation with one of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Atlanta and take a step closer to the physique you seek. Take our Tummy Tuck Quiz to see if you may be a candidate for the procedure!