Five Things To Consider Before Having a Tummy Tuck
September 14, 2022

One of the most stubborn and frustrating areas to tone for both women and men is the stomach & midriff area. Normal physical body changes such as weight fluctuations, childbirth, or simply the aging process can result in excess skin or fat around this area. For many, this stubborn area cannot be reclaimed even with exercising and a proper diet. If this sounds like you, you’re absolutely not alone! The Tummy Tuck procedure, also known as abdominoplasty, is an extremely successful procedure to help with tightening the abdominal muscles in addition to smoothing and flattening the stomach.
Women have been battling excess skin and “mommy pooches” that come post-pregnancy for thousands of years. No matter how devoted and determined a woman is to claim victory over the bulge, many times, this problem area persists.
You’re not alone if you find yourself losing this war – you’re fighting Mother Nature herself! Between the natural aging process, childbirth, and weight fluctuations over the years, the odds are stacked against you. Sometimes not even strict diets and radical exercise programs are enough to get your pre-pregnancy flat stomach back.
You may be considering a tummy tuck, otherwise known as an abdominoplasty, to solve your stomach issues. This cosmetic surgery procedure is ideal for sculpting and slimming your abdominal area. Damaged and weakened abdominal muscles can also be repaired simultaneously, which will keep your stomach tight and flat over the long term.
Before you schedule your tummy tuck in Atlanta, we recommend you review these five things to consider and expect.
1. Maintain A Stable Weight
It’s important to point out that an abdominoplasty is a sculpting and shaping procedure and will not help with weight loss. Most surgeons recommend achieving your desired weight and maintaining that weight for about six to twelve months before your scheduled tummy tuck. Dr. Deutsch will recommend that you remain within 10-20 pounds of your ideal weight. He encourages a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, with an appropriate exercise regime, to maintain optimal results. Having your weight stable and your body in good health will lessen the chances of complications after the surgery. If too much weight is lost or gained after the tummy tuck, it can alter or reverse the contouring achieved by the surgery.
For example, since a woman’s stomach tissues stretch during pregnancy, most surgeons recommend holding off on a tummy tuck if you are considering having more children. Of course, a tummy tuck will not affect pregnancy. However, having a child after the procedure will lessen the achieved results.
2. You Will Need Downtime For Recovery and You Will Need Help
Abdominoplasty is considered major surgery and requires a healing period of several weeks. The average initial recovery takes about two to three weeks. There will be moderate pain during the first few days, and it’s normal to be sore, tired, and swollen. Your condition will improve consistently with proper rest and care. When you start to feel better, you may be tempted to resume regular activities.
You will need a family member or friend to help with anything that requires bending or lifting for about two weeks. Every patient heals differently, and it could take up to two weeks before you will be able to stand upright fully. You’ll need to allow four to six weeks to resume normal activities. You will not be able to lift heavy items like groceries or children safely. Otherwise, you may strain the surgical incisions. It is essential that you follow Dr. Deutsch’s recovery instructions so your body can heal properly and as quickly as possible.
3. A Scar Will Be Present But Will Fade
Although a horizontal incision and scar are unavoidable, they will continue to fade over time. Dr. Deutsch is a board-certified, experienced plastic surgeon and will carefully place the incision in an area concealed by clothing, underwear, and swimsuit bottoms. It’s possible you may need a smaller additional scar around your navel, and Dr. Deutsch will let you know in advance if this is required.
4. Surgical Drains Will Be Needed
Drains are temporary but do help promote proper healing by assisting to eliminate fluid buildups as well as reduce swelling. Dr. Deutsch and his team will discuss the needs and care for surgical drains before your procedure. Most drains are removed within 7-10 days of the tummy tuck, but they may be needed for two weeks or more.
5. Healing May Take Up to One Year
A common misconception associated with tummy tucks is that you will wake up from surgery with a perfectly flat tummy. The truth is that you won’t immediately see the benefits as your body needs time to heal. This is major surgery, and your body will initially react with swelling, bruising, redness, and stiffness. Some women continue to see lingering swelling for up to six months. It’s also normal for the incision site to experience numbness; this loss of sensation will slowly resolve itself. Like anything worthwhile in life, the total benefits of a tummy tuck in Atlanta may take a while to develop – up to a full year. That’s how long your stomach needs to finish healing and display the much-anticipated results.
The Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Atlanta
If you have exhausted your diet and exercise options and still can’t regain your flatter stomach, you may be a candidate for abdominoplasty with the best tummy tuck surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. Deutsch. Our patients are thrilled with their results. “I have patients who have lost a lot of weight on their own and come in to get rid of the extra, loose skin. After the surgery, they are ecstatic about their new look,” says Dr. Deutsch. “It can be very rewarding and even necessary for some people.”
Extreme weight loss, pregnancy, or natural aging changes the curve in your waist. A tummy tuck can bring back your sense of confidence in your body image. Explore your options for a firmer, flatter, and better-proportioned abdomen. Call our office today at 404-255-0886 or complete the online contact form to schedule a consultation. Atlanta plastic surgery, Dr. Deutsch will be happy to discuss your goals and concerns to determine if a tummy tuck is the right option.